Miss Poonam Pradhan has been a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist practicing at Heartlands and Solihull Hospitals since 2004. Additionally, Poonam Consults at Spire Healthcare and at MUMS Clinic (Midlands Ultrasound and Medical Services) in Solihull. Poonam is a general gynaecologist who has expertise in transvaginal scanning for the detection of gynaecological problems including cancers. She performs surgery including laparoscopy, hysterectomy and vaginal repairs.
Over the years she has seen women suffering in silence who have had very little help from gynaecologists. These include postnatal and postmenopausal women with some of the following symptoms:
"When women have severe symptoms they get help with surgery," Poonam, says, "however, for mild vaginal symptoms, there seems to be no help apart from pelvic floor physiotherapy."
Unfortunately traditional prolapse repair has high recurrence rate for whom there seems to be little gynaecologists can do apart from repeat surgery.
Poonam says, "Women affected by Breast Cancer, have worsening vaginal problems who seem to suffer in silence."
Moved by the medical histories of the women she sees on a daily basis, Poonam first became intrigued, and then excited by the positive response she'd heard about ThermiVa in the USA, and following her studies of clinical case notes, decided to bring ThermiVa to her patients in the UK. "With the introduction of ThermiVa, there is an opportunity to improve a woman's intimate life, using technology in a way we have never seen before."
"ThermiVa is not for everyone," Poonam cautions, "We undertake a consultation and if you are a candidate for ThermiVa Care, the procedure can provide immediate results."
Poonam's colleague and mentor, Belfast based gynaecologist, James Dornan has likened ThermiVa to a miracle for women. "I wholeheartedly agree!" Poonam says.
Poonam Pradhan at MUMS Clinic, Solihull (April 2018)
ThermiVa is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that can treat vagina affected by childbirth and/or aging. It improves vaginal laxity and helps restore sexual pleasure. Women also report improvement in the symptoms of urinary incontinence. This treatment has been approved by the FDA in the USA for the treatment of vaginal laxity.